Acceptance Policy
These requirements reflect our commitment to responsible environmental management.
Please be aware that many of our requirements are state and federal environmental regulations.
Other items not included may also be inappropriate for recycling as scrap metal.
We WILL accept if properly remediated:
- Appliances if the compressors, capacitors, mercury switches and gasses are removed
- Drums, barrels and other containers must be clean, DRY and open for inspection. Tanks and cylinders must have the valve removed, or open for inspection.
- Steel cable and wire must be cut to 4′ lengths.
- Aerosol cans must be empty and crushed.
Hazardous or “no buy” items found in vendor loads may be grounds for immediate rejection of the entire load.
Containers and bins are spotted at the risk of the property owner. Scrap must be loaded within the container weight and size capacity.
The following items are NOT accepted at our company:
- Refrigerants (including CFCs and HCFCs) in refrigerators and air conditioners
- Asbestos or possible asbestos-containing materials
- Lead acid batteries
- Petroleum products such as gasoline, oil, antifreeze, hydraulic fluids and greases.
- PCB containing items such as capacitors, florescent light ballasts, transformers and electrical components
- Automotive airbags which contain sodium azide
- Un-drained automotive components such as transmissions or motors
- Oil filters, gas filters, any other type of filters
- PCB containing items such as capacitors, florescent light ballasts, transformers and electrical components
- Paint cans or containers
- Florescent lights, neon lights, high intensity mercury vapor lights and ballasts
- Compressors, capacitors and mercury switches from appliances
- All other materials containing hazardous or toxic substances
- Military scrap without prior approval
- Un-discharged ammunition or explosives
- Radioactive equipment or containers
- Tires, wood, dirt, yard debris, concrete, asphalt, glass, rubber or other non-metallic metals